We Create Unreasonable Growth.

Our Billion Dollar Vision

We’re on a mission to help over 1,000 law firm owners grow their revenues by $1 million ($1 billion impact) by 2024.

We do it because we believe that in a perfect world, the best cases should go to the best attorneys. Unfortunately, in today’s ultra-competitive legal landscape, the best cases go to the best marketers.

We strive to bridge that gap so both can be true.


The #1 Law Firm Growth Company in America

Crisp is
the nation’s
company of its kind:
From $500 to $100M+
in less than nine years.
And that is no accident.

After helping clients generate over $1,000,000,000 in revenue, we’ve seen the inner workings of hundreds of firms large and small — and the consistent, repeatable factors that set the game-changing successes apart.
We coach clients to engineer that success. Not only through video, but total transformation: how you hire, systematize, and focus.
We don’t just give you incredible video marketing. We equip you to live up to it.




  • Started Crisp with just $500



  • Niched down to focus on the legal industry









Crisp Worldwide HQ

Welcome to the Crisp Worldwide Headquarters

After nearly a decade of rapid team growth and increases in revenue, Crisp invested in a new office worthy of the team inside — fully equipped with only the most luxurious features:

  • A stadium-quality 20-foot LED wall
  • Five conference rooms with privacy glass and UHD displays
  • Four-zone audio system 
  • High-tech white noise system enabling multiple phone calls to occur simultaneously without disruptions
  • Top-of-the-line podcast studio with full control room
  • Custom catering kitchen for special events
  • Two comfortable patios
  • And more!

Beyond a space for the Crisp team to call home, this master campus includes a state-of-the-art Training Center to meet the needs of law firm owners and teams from around the country. 

The 20,000 square foot Training Center can accommodate up to 250 people and features modular walls that can divide the space into three training rooms. Able to hold multiple training sessions simultaneously, Crisp’s home is designed to multiply impact.

What makes the Worldwide Crisp Headquarters and Training Center special is much more than the size, design, or amenities. It’s the way you feel when you enter our world. From the moment you step foot in our environment, you’ll know what we mean.

World-class experiences. An aligned and empowered team. An atmosphere of excellence, growth, and never settling for “good enough.”

Welcome to our home. We hope you’ll stay awhile.

Our Core Values



Our clients give us the opportunity to do the things we love on a daily basis. Their success feeds our success. So there is no greater reward than seeing their reactions when our work not only fulfills their vision, but also surpasses their expectations.



If you can’t commit to being better today than yesterday, you’re okay with being average. After all, the same actions day in and day out don’t deliver improved results. True growth requires always pushing past new levels of discomfort.



While effort is a key to success, it’s not a substitute for tangible results. You see, achieving results at the highest levels isn’t just a matter of trying harder. You must take the right action. Take the wrong one and you can accelerate failure, regardless of how much effort you put forth.



The single ingredient shared at the highest levels of achievement is consistency. You must be willing to take repeated actions and adjust them based on feedback. After all, the best results come from incremental progress and improvements over an extended period of time.



When adversity appears, it’s easy to focus on the negatives. Yet when you have a growth mindset, you concentrate efforts on solutions instead of problems. So rather than dwelling on the past, you put proper attention on what’s needed to move forward.



To truly engage in your work, you must own it. There’s no cutting corners. You must hold yourself accountable for quality and timeliness, even when the outcome doesn’t bring you direct benefits.



No one succeeds alone. Your team is what supports you and the combined skills and efforts are what makes greatness possible. Put yourself first and you’re not only limiting your potential, but likely putting yourself on a path to failure. Put the team first, and watch a unified group of people help each other to achieve their common goals.


The team you build is the company you build

You’d never trust just anyone with your story — so we don’t hire just anyone.

Meet the razor-sharp team of videographers, writers, editors, marketers, and coaches pulling to make you #1. No team on the planet will work harder to get it done.

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About Michael

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Fact #1

I've worked every year since I was 15 years old.

Fact #2

I am Korean and Puerto Rican, with an African American step father, and born in Germany. Yet only speak one language.

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About Nina

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R. Tolkien
Fact #1

Besides my job at Crisp and freelancing on many creative projects with strong stories, I deeply care about the environment both in my personal and professional life and a lot of the work I do and aspire to do, is geared towards climate advocacy. My goal as a filmmaker is to help people feel hopeful, as opposed to shameful or anxious about the future of our world and to push forward and be apart of the ongoing, fresh, new movement focused on remolding the climate documentary format.

Fact #2

I love jamming out whether it be on my piano or guitar AND I love playing with other musicians to see what masterpieces may come out of it!

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Meet Joshua

"People will forget what you say, people will forget what you do, but people will never forget how you make them feel."
Fact #1

I have spoken to audiences in nearly every state of the U.S.

Fact #2

I own over 5,000 non-fiction books in my personal library.

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Meet Emily

"May my heart always be open to little birds who are the secrets of living." - E.E. Cummings
Fact #1

I worked as a transcriptionist in college and, as a result, can now type 120 words per minute (they paid us based on how fast we typed).

Fact #2

I used to raise chickens - I miss the fresh eggs, but I don't miss the early-morning rooster crows.

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About Courtney

"I know fashion is not something that can change the world, but it can change the woman. it can empower the woman. It can make her strong, in herself, and to believe in herself more." - Donatella Versace
Fact #1

I am the National Champion for the 2023 National Collegiate Sports Sales Championship (NCSSC). Ask me about my custom Atlanta Hawks jersey and free ticket to NYC!

Fact #2

I love to sew and make my own clothes! My closet is my love language!

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About Joe

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." - Wayne Gretzky
Fact #1

I used to hate standing desks. Now I love them.

Fact #2

I live with an emotionally unstable pint-sized dictator with an uncanny ability to push me towards utter insanity before telling me he's my best friend and making my heart melt. Kids are weird like that.

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About Sam

"Be joyful and ruthless."
Fact #1

I have working experience across the entire scale: solo practitioner, small business, Fortune 100, middle-market enterprise, and start-up professional environments.

Fact #2

I one year, I was married 3 times to the same woman, in 3 different countries.

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About Angela

"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” – Mother Teresa
Fact #1

Make your career your passion

Fact #2

I am originally from California and my father owned an avocado and orange ranch so I can literally eat avocados out of the husk.

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About Sarah

"The more you know, the more you realize you don't know" - Aristotle
Fact #1

I worked in the Diamond District in Manhattan for 2 years and am GIA certified

Fact #2

I make dollhouse miniatures and have a jewelry business on the side

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About Edgar

"What matters in life is not great deeds, but great love." St. Therese of Lisieux
Fact #1

I've done everything from stocking shelves to navigating ships to sportswriting to emceeing conferences. Never had a job I didn't enjoy. But I do my best work when I'm helping others achieve their goals.

Fact #2

My wife and I have never had a pet and we don't intend to get one. It's just the two of us... and our four children (so far).

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About Shlok

"The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." — Carl Sagan
Fact #1

I've founded/co-founded three startups outside of my marketing career.

Fact #2

My wife and I backpacked across most of Western Europe over the course of eight months before getting married.

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About Anthony

“Start Where You Are. Use What You Have. Do What You Can.” — Arthur Ashe
Fact #1

I've ridden in or on just about every type of trash collection vehicle there is.

Fact #2

I typically watch 300-400 films a year on average.

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About Blair

"Take time to be kind."
Fact #1

I love to color coordinate my calendar-- for my personal viewing. It helps me stay organized and visually excited for the day.

Fact #2

I love to travel! In high school, I went to South America for the first time and hiked Cotopaxi!

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About Erik

“You just gotta keep livin’ man. L-I-V-I-N.“ - Wooderson
Fact #1

I once watched a high speed pursuit from a grip truck. (It was badass.)

Fact #2

I watch tons of Barefoot Contessa. (Pioneer Woman is a fraud.)

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About Travis

“If there were a choice—and he suspected there was—a choice between, on the one hand, the heights and the depths and, on the other hand, some sort of safe, cautious middle way, he, for one, here and now chose the heights and the depths.” - Sheldon Vanauken
Fact #1

I am a self-taught motion graphics artist! I actually went to school for physical therapy.

Fact #2

I lived in Thailand in 2006 during a military coup d'état

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About Regina

"To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly." - Henri Bergson
Fact #1

I avoid surgery if at all possible. With a background in healthcare, I have learned that preventative care and healthy rituals is the best way to stay off the operating table.

Fact #2

I am mesmerized by laser lights. They calm and stimulate me in the same moment.

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About Dan

"It's amazing how much your luck improves when you work hard." - My dad and probably a bunch of other people
Fact #1

I haven't always worked in video. I have toured the country as a stand up comic and worked as a Certified Cicerone (like a sommelier but for beer) at the Brick Store Pub.

Fact #2

For the longest time I didn't really read books, but something changed and I'm reading four right now — five if you count the one that I'm too dumb to understand so I haven't cracked in open in 6 weeks...

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About Tylar

“Find out who you are and do it on purpose.” - Dolly Parton
Fact #1

I've walked over 27 miles in one day for an event.

Fact #2

I'm really into astrology.

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About Felix

"The tree that would grow to heaven must send its roots to hell." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Fact #1

I like to shoot photos and videos of people, but never feel comfortable to let others shoot my photos and videos.

Fact #2

I'm legally blind. I can't see without glasses. But I can still spar with people in training without glasses on because I can sense my opponent >:)

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About Aaron

"If you love what you do, you never work a day in your life."
Fact #1

I worked a movie starring Lil Wayne's daughter and she was crazy.

Fact #2

I love Nerds Gummy Clusters. They are the greatest candy ever invented.

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About Shannon

“Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good too.” - Yogi Berra
Fact #1

While I was in the military, I trained the Iraqi Police in Baghdad. On a whim, I wrote an email to the comedy show "Reno 911" to see if they would support our Police Week festivities. The cast sent a box of autographed swag for my troops, and in their next season, they featured a hilarious episode in which the Reno 911 team trained Iraqi Police in the US. Was our story the inspiration? Probably.

Fact #2

I have island hopped in the Atlantic Ocean. I've lived in Greenland, Iceland, and England.

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About Evan

"Angels can fly because they can take themselves lightly." - G.K. Chesterton
Fact #1

I was a pastor for the first decade of my career.

Fact #2

I conclude every evening with chips and salsa and ice cream (not mixed together).

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About Mitchell

"When you are a man, sometimes you wear stretchy pants in your room... It's for fun..." - Nacho Libre (2006)
Fact #1

I am adept in video production and video editing with Adobe.

Fact #2

I can wiggle my ears. Most people have to move their eyebrows or jaw to make their ears move, but that's not special.

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About Ann

"Carpe Diem"
Fact #1

I've one of those rare people who actually use my education in my career - a Masters in Education and a Masters of Science in Management come in handy every day!

Fact #2

I was the 2016 Beer Stein Holding Contest winner, Female Division, at the Bavarianfest in Helen, Ga. I wear dirndls and polka dance.

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About Bernie

"He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how." - Freidrich Nietzsche
Fact #1

I am passionate about helping people become more confident and courageous leaders. I once took a group of clients hiking from rim to rim of the Grand Canyon to discover their best selves.

Fact #2

I am a dedicated family man, an outdoor enthusiast, and love to travel. I visited all seven modern wonders of the world and spent significant time in over 100 countries.

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About Carlee

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because in the end those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.” - Dr. Seuss
Fact #1

I have a BFA in acting from a a conservatory in St Louis.

Fact #2

I competed for (and won) a TV on the Ellen Degeneres Show.

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About Cam

"The good old days are now." — Tom Clancy
Fact #1

I was a pastor

Fact #2

I am a competitive weight lifter

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About Shannon

"Hope is not a strategy." - Vince Lombardi
Fact #1

I spent a good deal of time trying to "break into" secured facilities while auditing security systems and protocol. I'm pretty good at it.

Fact #2

I have 28 nieces and nephews.

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About Thomas

"If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail." - Benjamin Franklin
Fact #1

I work every day in the relentless pursuit of financial excellence.

Fact #2

I enjoy traveling because I learn about new cultures and get to meet interesting people. I especially love visiting historical landmarks, and I also try to throw in an opportunity to hike wherever I go.

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About Sam

“Do what you feel in your heart to be right — for you’ll be criticized anyway. You’ll be damned if you do, and damned if you don’t.” - Eleanor Roosevelt
Fact #1

Before working in recruiting I used to be a bar manager in Athens, GA. I always say that once you run a bar on a game day in Athens, you can do anything.

Fact #2

I've been acknowledged in a New York Times best-selling book.

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About Gianfranco

"If you can dream it, you can do it." - Walt Disney
Fact #1

I'm a big snacker while I work on edits. Popcorn is my go-to. It's like watching a mini movie.

Fact #2

I like to skateboard, travel, hike, and rock climb. I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie.

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About Kristy

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou
Fact #1

I was a high school teacher before joining Crisp! I once taught a 45-minute lesson on Taylor Swift’s career. My former students still joke about it!

Fact #2

I have a goal to visit a brewery in every state and every country I visit! Send me recommendations for your city!

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About Stephon

“There are a lot of little reasons why the big things in our lives happen.” - Ted Mosby
Fact #1

I taught myself how to film and edit.

Fact #2

I make up 60% of my fun facts 100% of the time! The last one was true.

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About Michael

"Keep a good head and always carry a lightbulb." - Bob Dylan
Fact #1

I started my career by making scripted commercials for my high school.

Fact #2

I was raised in the Florida Keys.

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About Louis

“There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called Yesterday and the other is called Tomorrow. Today is the right day to love, believe, do, and mostly live.” - Dalai Lama XIV
Fact #1

I worked on the television show "Moonshiners."

Fact #2

I'm a soccer referee.

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About Kyle

"Life's too short to worry about the little things. Enjoy what you have today, not what you might get tomorrow." - Sarah Dessen
Fact #1

I used to work for a dental company creating their video marketing material. This is similar to how Crisp started!

Fact #2

I love to play tennis!

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About Chang

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only that ever has." - Margaret Mead
Fact #1

I worked for one of the most elite military groups in the world and the whole journey was surreal. It happened so fast and I had no public awareness; I just one day left my current role, quit all my social media and had no forwarding info. A lot of friends and coworkers thought I left the country.

Fact #2

I love to eat, to the point of even doing food challenges just for fun with friends. Many of my family's life decisions are around food like where we live or where we travel.

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About Nick

"Blessed are those who are flexible for they shall never be bent out of shape."
Fact #1

I once had to save a snow angel using a boom lift.

Fact #2

One of my dreams is to own a cat named Biscotti.

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About Christian

"Artists are their own worst critics — hence why so many strive for perfection."
Fact #1

My passion for filmmaking started while studying Video Game Design in college.

Fact #2

I like to repair electronics. I even built my own PC!

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About Shannon

"Give it if you have it to give." - My Grandma Peggy
Fact #1

I have the joy of interacting with all departments within a company as the Director of Operations.

Fact #2

I like to snorkel and "SNUBA," but I don't know how to swim — guess I better learn! Life vests work wonders!

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About Jack

"The Quality Goes In Before The Name Goes On" - Zenith
Fact #1

I started my own video production company in college that did business for 7 years.

Fact #2

I restore tube radios and tube televisions from the 1930s-1970s.

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About Brianna

"Every day is a new day to make it great."
Fact #1

I put everything on my calendar.

Fact #2

I was my high school mascot.

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About Caleb

"Ideas are cheap. Ideas are easy. Ideas are common. Everybody has ideas. Ideas are highly, highly overvalued. Execution is all that matters." - Casey Neistat
Fact #1

I have a masters in Urban Planning & worked as a Planner for three years before picking up a camera for the first time and traveling the world.

Fact #2

I run a podcast about the book Dune by Frank Herbert with over a million downloads.

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About Megan

"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game." - Babe Ruth
Fact #1

I have a cat-shaped stress ball at my desk.

Fact #2

I am a part-time police officer.

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About Joshua

"Never do anything by halves if you want to get away with it. Make sure everything you do is so completely crazy it's unbelievable." - Matilda Wormwood
Fact #1

I get to create and tell stories for a living! What could be more fun than that?

Fact #2

I love plants, but my partner is the one who keeps them alive...

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About Jordan

"Forever, I'm that girl." - Beyonce
Fact #1

I used to be a nanny.

Fact #2

I know all of Beyonce's choreography.

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About Benjamin

"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." - Dolly Parton
Fact #1

I have worked as a performer on cruise ships and for the Georgia Aquarium.

Fact #2

I have an American Doberman Pinscher.

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About Brianna

"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard." - Tim Notke
Fact #1

I am a former Division 1 basketball player and fell in love with the sport at four years old. I grew up playing in a youth league with boys and developed a fierce competitive drive that I believe has reflected graciously in my professional life.

Fact #2

I have my own online fitness coaching business. When I'm not at Crisp helping bring our clients' visions to life, I'm at home on my laptop curating personalized workout programs for people all over the US and helping them become the best version of themselves.

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About Mariko

“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; True nobility is being superior to your former self.” - Ernest Hemingway
Fact #1

Despite English technically being my second language, I was a high school English teacher for eight years. I can recite way more of The Crucible than I would ever need to (literally no one ever needs to).

Fact #2

I have a little over 150 houseplants in my home. Honestly, I stopped counting after the 150 mark. I also sell, pack, and ship live plants across the country as my side hustle!

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About Alexis

“I have already lost touch with a couple of people I used to be...” - Joan Didion
Fact #1

A good spreadsheet can change lives.

Fact #2

I have an incredible ability to remember facts — the more useless, the better.

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About Cynthia

"There are three sides to every story. Your side, my side, and the truth. No one is wrong. Stay sexy and don't get murdered." - My Favorite Murder Podcast
Fact #1

My first job was as a lifeguard/swim instructor. It was the best introduction to customer experience I think I could have had.

Fact #2

I have a (very fraternal) twin sister!

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About Lizbeth

"Don't take things personally." - Don Miguel Ruiz
Fact #1

I am able to speak two languages: English and Spanish.

Fact #2

I love weightlifting, especially when I can lift more than the boys at the gym!

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About Taylor

“Alright, I've been thinking: When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade! Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these, demand to see life's manager?!" - Cave Johnson, Portal 2
Fact #1

I was in the worlds first Live Virtual Reality interactive play, a new media type created in the early stages of the metaverse.

Fact #2

I'm an avid planted aquarist! I enjoy making aquariums that look like they were slices taken out of their natural environment.

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About Jason

"It's better to create something that others criticize than to create nothing and criticize others." - Ricky Gervais
Fact #1

In 8 years post-college, I've worked in 3 different states.

Fact #2

In college I performed in front of 4,000 people opening up for Chance the Rapper.

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About Paulette

"Be strong yet kind; be fearless yet humble; be curious and open to new perspectives." - Unknown
Fact #1

At a Delta Airlines all hands meeting, I performed "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" with three of my colleagues — with "Supreme" movements.

Fact #2

My husband and I love traveling. We have visited 36+ countries and all 7 continents — and have more to discover!

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About Manuel

"I have been called bad before. Many have said I do things that are not correct to do. I don't believe in talk such as this. I am nice man, with happy feelings. All of the time!" - Master Betty
Fact #1

I love to compose original soundtracks for films.

Fact #2

I cook a mean mamposteao rice with bacon!

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About Manderlay

“There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” - Albert Einstein
Fact #1

I draw little check boxes next to all of my to-do's and get so much joy from checking them off of my list. Like, so much. I even note completed tasks, just so I can check them off.

Fact #2

Well, I just counted all of my house plants for the first time and I have over 40...

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About Shelby

"It is our choices that show who we truly are, far more than our abilities." - Albus Dumbledore
Fact #1

I am a huge extrovert and love client facing! It's so fascinating getting to hear stories from different people and learning about their different backgrounds. Being able to take that story and deliver it in a video is very rewarding.

Fact #2

I am a die-hard New Orleans Saints fan! I'm also a huge Disney and Harry Potter geek. I love to read and spend an embarrassing chunk of my paycheck on books.

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About Sam

"Becoming a champion is not an easy process... It is done by focusing on what it takes to get there and not on getting there." - Nick Saban
Fact #1

I love being able to come in each day with a genuine passion to grow our team and create impact.

Fact #2

I love vinyl music. My collection is currently ~100 albums and growing. Favorite record currently: Dave Matthews Band Live Trax 3

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About Jenny

"Only boring people are bored."
Fact #1

I love that my job allows me to be play on my strengths of being a habitual planner, detail-oriented, and creatively crafting a story for our clients.

Fact #2

I grew up in Napa Valley on a vineyard making our family wine, "Guffy Family Wines."

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About Wesley

"Don't follow your passion, follow your talent." - Scott Galloway
Fact #1

I spent two years of my life living on a tour bus.

Fact #2

I have seen all four corners of the United States and have been to 48 out of 50 states.

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About Meghan

"Have fun, even if it’s not the same kind of fun everyone else is having." - C.S. Lewis
Fact #1

I have launched well over 100 client Social Stack campaigns since starting at Crisp.

Fact #2

Every year my dad and I run in the worlds largest 10k together, The Peachtree Road Race.

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About Keshia

"No one ever got ahead by sitting on their behind."
Fact #1

I have 12+ KPIs to hit monthly, so don't tell me you can't do something!

Fact #2

I was born in South America.

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About Katie

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller
Fact #1

My career took me overseas to live/work in China for 4 years.

Fact #2

I've picked up golf as a sport I'm learning. Long game strong, short game — eh.

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About Mykaela

"A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one."
Fact #1

My basis for customer experience was learned through Toyota!

Fact #2

I practice aerial acrobatics!

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About Jack

"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without."
Fact #1

I'm certified to drive two different types of forklifts.

Fact #2

My wedding anniversary is in October because my fiance and I love Halloween.

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About Aaron

"Don’t you dare settle for fine." - Roy Kent (Ted Lasso)
Fact #1

I used to use sticky notes religiously for keeping track of tasks. I'd even cover my desk in them to the point that the desk would disappear. Now I use a task app. Much less clutter!

Fact #2

I am an avid gamer and also into every single sport. I can carry a conversation about both pretty intensely.

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About Anna

"If you can fly, don't stop at the sky, 'cause there's footprints on the moon." - Adam Young
Fact #1

My degree is in Mechanical Engineering, but my passion is video editing. They are far more similar than you think.

Fact #2

A hobby of mine is flipping clothes, and subsequently, I own over 200 pairs of jeans.

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About Colby

"My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice." - Newt Scamander, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Fact #1

I love being a Client Success Manager because it combines being creative and analytical.

Fact #2

I broke my elbow at a young age and wasn't able to touch my shoulder until well into my 20s.

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About Ethan

"Knowledge cannot replace friendship." - Patrick Star
Fact #1

I met and filmed a concert for Michael Jackson's daughter, Paris Jackson.

Fact #2

I had the opportunity to go scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef!

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About Franklin

"That which is imagined can never be lost." - Clive Barker
Fact #1

I like working on documentary style filming more than narrative fiction.

Fact #2

I have a wife and two giant dogs!

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About Juan

"If you ain’t first, you’re last." - Ricky Bobby, Talladega Nights
Fact #1

I bumped into Tom Brady by accident while working with the Monday Night Football crew in Miami.

Fact #2

I’ve been through mostly every Caribbean island via cruise ships.

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About Wes

"Opportunity is the single door you walk through that leads to a hundred more." - Corey Rich
Fact #1

I get to travel all around the county to film some awesome content!

Fact #2

I love spending time in the outdoors mountain biking, paddling, and rock climbing.

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About Clare

"Live in such a way that if someone spoke badly of you, no one would believe it."
Fact #1

I consider my profession to be "educator." In addition to my work at Crisp equipping law firms with tools and strategies to grow, I also teach second and third graders in my community's Hebrew school each week. VERY different audiences, but I guess I'm just born to be a teacher!

Fact #2

My husband and I have nine chickens and dream of a homestead full of even more animals!

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About Steven

"The only thing worse than starting something and failing… is not starting something." - Seth Godin
Fact #1

I used to be an Amazon seller and out of all the things I could have chosen to sell, I went with unicorn themed party supplies. 😂

Fact #2

I was an actor in over 50 commercials from the ages 4-13.

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About Tommy

"Never let the truth get in the way of a good story." - Mark Twain
Fact #1

The hustle never sleeps...I've taken calls with clients early in the morning, on weekends, and as late as midnight to accommodate time differences.

Fact #2

I learned how to drive a manual transmission when I was 13 years old.

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About Mike

"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard."
Fact #1

Crisp is my first job out of college. Literally started in college. Humbling to see the company and myself come so far. I owe a lot to this place.

Fact #2

My proudest achievements in life is marrying my wife and building my collector's edition Star Wars lego sets.

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About Lindsey

"Attitude reflects leadership, captain." - Julius Campbell, Remember the Titans
Fact #1

My entire professional life is a fun fact. I absolutely love what I do here at Crisp and the people I am surrounded by. I seriously have fun every single day. Maybe a cop out answer, don't hate me, but it's the truth! I can't narrow it down to just one fun fact.

Fact #2

I speak French fluently. I've been speaking French since the second grade, studied it all through college, and worked in Paris. I still listen to French podcasts and try to read the news in French to make sure I stay sharp — and I have been known to have the occasional conversation in French with myself for practice.

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About Audrey

"Choose your hard."
Fact #1

If I could live inside of a spreadsheet, I would.

Fact #2

I speak Chinese fluently and sometimes when I don’t want to talk to people, I’ll pretend it’s the only language I speak.

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About Chloe

"Wit Beyond Measure is Man's Greatest Treasure" - Rowena Ravenclaw (J.K. Rowling)
Fact #1

With my professional background rooted in Disney, I know how to bring both the magic and the metrics!

Fact #2

I am obsessed with DIY projects and love working on home projects! I built myself a library!

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About Devin

"You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it." - Robin Williams
Fact #1

I collect a cheesy airport magnet from every city / state I travel to for clients.

Fact #2

I got married on Halloween.

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About Hannah

"It’s time for my afternoon cup of coffee."
Fact #1

I found a way to balance my love of UNC Basketball with my love of Crisp by finding ways to watch basketball at work (don't tell Michael).

Fact #2

I'm the go-to person for food recommendations in Atlanta. I've been everywhere.

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About Laura

"Do the best you can until you know better, then when you know better, do better." - Maya Angelou
Fact #1

I did not start my career in HR — I found my passion for it after working at a company where I clashed with the culture and then realized this was something I cared about and wanted to pursue.

Fact #2

I have a penchant for finding mistake fares and booking trips across the world on impulse.

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About Marian

"Fulfillment is structured in achievement, Achievement is structured in action, Action is structured in thinking, Thinking is structured in knowledge, Knowledge is structured in consciousness." - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Fact #1

In my first interview with Crisp, I told Michael and Jessica that I did not enjoy math. Turns out I actually do immensely enjoy math, since now I manage all the billing, payables, payroll, and expenses for Crisp! I found my calling :)

Fact #2

My husband Jared and I named our daughter Nola after the city of New Orleans which is where we met while working on a movie called 'Hot Pursuit'!

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About Alex

"Everybody wanna be a bodybuilder — nobody wants to lift heavy ass weights." - Ronnie Coleman
Fact #1

I traveled to Mumbai, India twice by myself to train and develop sales professionals.

Fact #2

I did karate for 16 years.

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About Jessica

"Hi team! It’s me again! [insert email, reminder email #1, reminder email #2 and text message.]"
Fact #1

I have a crazy travel endurance. I once flew 175k miles in one calendar year. I will outfly you if given the opportunity.

Fact #2

I make a lot of Asian jokes, but don’t worry! I'm half-Asian, so I'm actually just making fun of myself all day.

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About Michael

“Hard choices, easy life. Easy choices, hard life.”
Fact #1

I’m a huge nerd. I love video games, coding, reading, and watching sci-fi in my spare time.

Fact #2

I was turned down 21 times in a row on the way to signing Crisp's first client (pitch #22). As a result, 22 is my lucky number.

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